Zionist quotes reveal genocidal racism

Zionist quotes reveal genocidal racism By Gideon Polya The Anglosphere countries (the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) are variously based on genocide of the Indigenous inhabitants but in the post-WW2 era these countries variously came to terms with this genocidal racist past. Indeed Donald Trump…

British Empire Built On Loot, Pillage and Plunder — ThereAreNoSunglasses

“Many British are genuinely unaware of the atrocities their ancestors committed, and some live in the blissful illusion that the British Empire was some sort of civilizing mission to uplift the ignorant natives.” The price of empire Shashi Tharoor Indians tend not to dwell on the country’s colonial past. Whether through national strength or […] via … More British Empire Built On Loot, Pillage and Plunder — ThereAreNoSunglasses

Will the “Herding People Like Sheep” Summit and Other Projects Halt the unDemocratic Party Exodus? — American Everyman

by Scott Creighton “Hillary Clinton! Let my people go, you soulless neocon bitch!” not Bernie Sanders The “Justice Dems“, the establishment-backed “People’s Summit” (featuring Bernie Sanders), the “Draft Bernie for a People’s Party” movement, the “DNC Unity Tour” (featuring Bernie Sanders), “Our Revolution” (featuring the ghost of the Bernie Sanders “movement”)… they are all astro-turfed […] … More Will the “Herding People Like Sheep” Summit and Other Projects Halt the unDemocratic Party Exodus? — American Everyman